Our vision is to connect South Africa’s audio industry with the world. We aim to not only help audio engineers connect with new clients, but to also connect clients to like minded engineers. The vision is to help the industry grow together. SoundDex is the one-stop sound index to find and refer the best in the business.
To get searching head back to the Home Page and get searching, If you want to get listed head over to the listing page to get more info.
Meet the SoundDex Team
Grant Harris
‘The Wizard of Audio’, ‘Sonic Surgeon’, and ‘Artist of Sound’… just some of the terms my clients and the people I work with have called me. While funny, there is some truth to the clichés. Over the span of a very long an exciting career as a sound engineer, I have learned the dark art and science of masterfully creating sonic magic for TV, radio, and film.
What gives me the decided edge, is the fact that I take full ownership of the projects entrusted to me. I work tirelessly to create the best product possible, with the tools and skills that I have acquired over the years. Because of this unrelenting commitment to excellence, my peers in the industry have deemed it fit to single me out for my craft. I have helped win local and international awards for film and radio.
A key characteristic that many verbalize when working with me, is that I always go above and beyond what’s asked for. I’m not afraid to offer valuable input that has the potential to take a ‘good’ project and turn it into something ‘great’. My eagerness to help clients this way is extended to all that cross my path – be it students or up-and-coming sound engineers. But, my primary goal always remains, and it’s simply this: Every person that walks in a client, must leave as a good friend. These friends always return for more great service, a good cup of coffee and an outstanding piece of work that keeps them coming back for more.
Find out more at The Sonic Aritst, you can also find my listing here on SoundDex here – The Sonic Artist SoundDex Listing
Chris van Zyl
Chris van Zyl is an audio engineer from Cape Town. With more than 13 years in the audio industry, Chris considers himself as a versatile music and audio producer.
As a session musician on Guitar, Bass and Drums, Chris has played in studio and on some of SA’s biggest stages.
Chris also studied Music Production and feels right at home behind the mixing boards of live events and recording studios.
Chris has spent the last 8 years as a music specialist. His focus has been on houses of worship, specialising in content creation, live audio, post-production and broadcasting.
The last few years, Chris has worked on numerous projects, ranging from session musician, executive producer, to specialised audio consultant in live, broadcast and studio audio.
Some of Chris’ projects saw him play, produce and work with some of the biggest local artists and has crossed international boarders when he was brought on the team to Produce and Master content for the Rio 2020 Music Festival.
You can find Chris’ listing here.
Future Plans
(coming soon)
Keep your eyes ‘and ears’ on the site while we work on new and exciting things, the pandemic has changed the way we need to work so lets find new ways to make things work. Chris and Grant are always looking for suggestions so please drop them an email and they will look at it.